Our Mission
To assist women in becoming more productive and self-sufficient members of our society through comprehensive programs which enhance the social, economic and physical well being of women and their families in Chuuk.
Our Vision
To support Chuukese women, also known as Nienaroor and Nechu meres, to proudly carry on their important roles as:
- Peace makers
- Decision makers
- Problem solvers within their society for the betterment of the:
- Government
- Schools
- Communities
- Churches
- Families
Core Values
- Accountability: of board members, staff, and volunteers to each other, their duties, and the mission of Chuuk Women’s Council
- Effective collaboration among members of the Chuuk Women’s Council and with the community
- Honesty of intentions and practices with transparency to the community
- Integrity beyond reproach
- Being empowered and empowering women for themselves and their children
- Respect of human rights and tradition, while acting out of faith with love towards each other and the community
Click to read Islanderview.com’s March Featured Story on CWC
The Chuuk Women’s Council (CWC) is the umbrella organization for sixty-four (64) individual women’s organizations. 90-95% of these organizations are religious in nature. CWC is officially registered by the FSM National Government, and has a membership of over 1,000 women.
The CWC serves as an Advocacy Body for promoting gender awareness and equality as well as a resource group for all women in the Chuukese Community. Since it was organized in 1989, CWC has engaged its services for social as well as civic activities throughout Chuukese communities.
The CWC is formally organized with by-laws and officers. The council has been conducting trainings on topics including:
- Home Education
- Domestic violence
- Maternal and Infant health
- Cultural and traditional knowledge