CWC works hard to ensure that everything possible to promote health education for the Chuuk community is being done.
Healthy Lifestyles Program
The Federated States of Micronesia has the world’s 2nd-highest rate of diabetes in the world, as well as the 2nd-highest rate of people living with obesity and overweight. Type II Diabetes has become the second leading cause of death in Chuuk. The CWC’s Healthy Lifestyles Program combats NCDs, such as diabetes, and weight gain. The Healthy Lifestyles Program encourages people to make healthy choices related to nutrition, exercise, and tobacco use.
- Healthy Eating Habits
- Physical Fitness
- Eating local foods
- Non-communicable disease (NCD) prevention
- The need to have regular check-ups
- The risks of tobacco use
Aspects of the program:
- Three (3) villages have been reached through small group participation, more on the way!
- Partnerships with government offices and community-based groups
- Awareness and education materials in Chuukese
- Sports activities
- Walk-a-Thons

CWC HIV and AIDS Prevention Effort
CWC partners with Chuuk State Public Health and OMH to promote education, awareness and prevention of HIV, AIDS and STI’s in the following ways:
a. Awareness raising about HIV/AIDS and STI’s
b. Free screening available at the CWC Wellness Center
c. Peer-to-Peer counseling
d. Focus on eliminating stigma
e. Reproductive health awareness through the Family Life Education Curriculum Training Manual
Abstinence Project
Chuuk has a current population of 55,000 people, with nearly half (32,000) being under the age of 24. Chuuk has the highest teen pregnancy rate in the FSM.
In response to the teen pregnancy rates the CWC implemented the Abstinence Project. The Abstinence Project works towards educating and motivating teens to become advocates, educators and counselors, participating in teen-to-teen counseling.
CWC TB and MDR TB Prevention Effort
The CWC has conducted TB and MDR TB educational awareness programs to the local community. CWC members also provide support for MDR TB patients at Chuuk State Hospital as well as coordinate a tutoring class for patients.

CWC Child Immunization and Vitamin A Deficiency Effort
The CWC spreads awareness by encouraging mothers to participate in child immunization programs and vitamin A deficiency programs.
CWC Health Education Partners
Chuuk State Public Health, HIV/AIDS Youth Center, and COM Land Grant